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Obstacle Course

30-45 Minutes: 6 and up: Open Ended: STEM

Obstacle Course


Get kids thinking, creating and moving! This activity is perfect for the kids to practice both engineering and motor skills. Children will plan out blueprints for their own obstacle course, construct it and bring their ideas to life.

Set Up Ideas

The adult should make every effort to use the engineering vocabulary when explaining procedures suggested in the activity. When establishing this obstacle course, decide how the children are going to maneuver through the course.

Let’s Get Started

Organize several items to create an obstacle course. Ideas might include large boxes, jump ropes for setting up borders, balance beam, chairs, tables, etc. If equipment isn't available, you can create a course using tape on the floor. Use a large space to construct the obstacle course. Provide paper and crayons for the children to create their blueprints.


Explain to the children that they are going to construct an obstacle course that will be fun to move through when it is complete. Display the materials to be used for the course and the space. If appropriate, the children could suggest what materials to use for the course.


Have the children make a blueprint by listing the materials and drawing a picture of how they want the obstacle course to be put together. This can be done with a partner or in small groups.


Establish the space in which the children have to build. With supervision, have the children construct their obstacle course and maneuver through it. Possibly incorporate races and games.


After construction and use, have the children think about ways it could be improved for efficiency or for more fun. Have them draw alternative sketches of their blueprints.

Have the children reflect on the activity and draw a picture of what the course looked like when complete. Have them compare their blueprints to their finished drawings. Open the conversation about how sometimes things don't go quite as planned, and sometimes things go much better than planned. Prompt students to share experiences.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Keep the children motivated if their construction falls apart or does not look like their blueprint.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Use the children’s suggested improvements to have them change up their obstacle courses or to combine all the courses into one. This is a great opportunity to incorporate a team-building activity.

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