Pin The Tail On The Turkey
10-15 Minutes: 6 and up: Thanksgiving
Pin The Tail On The Turkey

This turkey-rific activity is a delight that children can enjoy again and again! In addition to creating a treat of a Thanksgiving turkey, children will build motor skills and practice creative and critical thinking skills.
Set Up Ideas
Have a healthy assortment of feathers for the children to use. Try feathers in natural colors along with all colors of the rainbow for a variety of colorful turkeys.
Let’s Get Started
For these terrific turkeys, you'll need to gather the following materials: two foam sheets, construction paper, eyes, clothespins, feathers and a glue pen.
Cut one large circle and one small circle from brown foam sheets. The large circle will be the body and the small circle will be the head.
Cut an orange beak and a red waddle from construction paper. Glue these onto the turkey's head and glue wiggly eyes to the head.
Gather seven feathers in different colors and glue each feather to a clothespin.
Use the clothespins to clip the tail feathers onto the turkey. This can turn into quite a fun Thanksgiving game!
Children may be interested to know Benjamin Franklin, one of our country's founders, once said that the turkey would be a much more respectable bird to represent our country. Some of his reasons were that turkeys are very courageous, and they are true native birds of America.

Tips and Tricks
If you don't have real feathers on hand, you may wish to cut construction paper into long feather-like shapes and cut small slits in them to represent feathers.
Follow up Activity
The best part about this craft is that you have a fun activity ready at the end! Have children practice pinning tails on the turkeys. For older children, you may up the challenge by using a blindfold.
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