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Plate of Pumpkin Pie

10-15 Minutes: 4 and up: Thanksgiving
Plate of Pumpkin Pie Creative Craft Activity for Thanksgiving

Plate of Pumpkin Pie

Plate of Pumpkin Pie Creative Craft Activity for Thanksgiving


These pies are simple, fast and mess-free—and you don't even need an oven! Children will practice motor skills and critical thinking skills as they make this classic Fall dessert. This activity is also a great opportunity to discuss food as culture.

Set Up Ideas

For a fun twist, you may wish to create recipe cards for children to follow as they make their pies! Or, write the recipe on the board for the children to follow.

Let’s Get Started

To prepare these tasty pies, you'll need to gather paper plates, brown construction paper, orange tissue paper, cotton balls and glue. No oven needed!


Cut a large pie-shaped wedge out of a paper plate.


Cut many squares of brown construction paper to serve as the crust. Glue them around the edge of the plate.


Tear several strips of orange tissue paper and glue them to the plate.


Add cotton ball fluffs to represent whipped cream and enjoy your tasty treat (just don't try to eat it!)

Food, especially comfort food, is a popular topic as we approach Thanksgiving. Food is an important part of culture. Discuss some of the children's favorite foods, as well as foods they would like to try. When the children meet with family or friends for the holidays, what foods do they enjoy?


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Pumpkin pie is a classic fall treat, but any type of pie can be a great dessert. Encourage children to experiment with creating apple, pecan, blueberry or any other pies.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Competitive baking shows are popular right now. Have the children score each other's pies, then practice math skills by adding the totals to determine who has the winning pie.

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