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Days with Dad

30-45 Minutes: 4 and up: Fathers Day

Days with Dad

Father's Day - Days with Dad


Celebrate special days with dad with a jarful of your favorite activities! In addition to creating a great gift for dad, this activity helps children to plan ahead, practice fine motor skills and build creative skills as they decorate their jar to their liking.

Set Up Ideas

To prepare for this activity, you may brainstorm with the children by discussing some activities that they like to do with their fathers and writing them down.

Let’s Get Started

To create these fun-filled activity holders, you'll need a plastic jar, foam letters, construction paper, glue, paint and a paint brush or a permanent marker. You may wish to set aside a space for the jars to dry after being painted.


Use paint or a permanent marker to add decorative stripes in your choice of color onto the jar. Let the jar dry before proceeding.


Once the jar is dry, arrange foam letters to form the phrase "Days with Dad" and glue them onto the jar. Allow the glue to dry as you complete the next step.


Cut or tear construction paper into many small pieces. On each piece of construction paper, write down an activity you would like to share with dad on special days.


Fold each piece of construction paper and place them all inside the jar. Tie a ribbon around the top for an added final decoration.

Ask the children about some of their favorite activities that they like to do or would like to do with their fathers. You may discuss some of their favorite places to go, foods to eat, movies to watch and so on. Encourage the children to lead the conversation.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Be mindful that some children may not be close with their fathers or even have fathers. You may have those children think of activities they can do with other male role models or family members.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Every gift goes well with a card! Have children create a matching Father's Day card using the same materials from this activity.

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