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Craft Stick Snowflakes

10-15 Minutes: 6 and up: Winter
Craft Stick Snowflakes Creative Craft Activity for Winter

Craft Stick Snowflakes

Craft Stick Snowflakes Creative Craft Activity for Winter


Let every child express their uniqueness by creating snowflakes with their own unique designs! This activity is a great opportunity to celebrate the start of the winter season, as well as each child's own colorful personality.

Set Up Ideas

You may use plain wood craft sticks or add a splash of color to your snowflakes with colored craft sticks. Show some examples of unique snowflake shapes for inspiration.

Let’s Get Started

To make a ton of unique snowflakes, you only need a few materials! Gather craft sticks (plain wood or colored craft sticks will work), glue, white pom poms, glitter and any other materials the children may wish to use.


Select several popsicle sticks and glue them together to form a star-like shape. Let the glue dry before continuing.


`Once the popsicle sticks are completely dry, determine how you would like to decorate them and then gather the supplies needed.


Use glue or self-adhesive materials to add glitter, gems and other craft materials to the craft sticks. Let the glue and materials dry.


To finish off your snowflake, glue craft fluffs to the tips of the snowflake. Enjoy your winter creation!

Every snowflake is unique, and so is every child! Ask the children in what ways they are different from others. What makes them unique? Discuss their hobbies, interests, talents and skills.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Encourage creative expression and individuality through children creating their own unique shapes rather than using pre-made designs. Provide plenty of craft materials for more variety.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Decorate your room with your new snowflakes! Discuss the various shapes found within each child's snowflakes and find a special spot in the room for each one.

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