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Dad Collage

15-30 Minutes: 2 and up: Fathers Day
Dad Collage

Dad Collage

Dad Collage


Write a special message to dad with a unique collage creation! This activity will expose children to the colorful and textural possibilities of collage artwork as they create a charming gift for their fathers.

Set Up Ideas

Provide a variety of materials such as pom-poms, buttons and gems. Even if you stick to just pom-poms, there are so many kinds of colorful poms to use!

Let’s Get Started

To make this special collage artwork for dad, you'll need to gather the following materials: construction paper, pencils, glue, pom-poms and any other decorating materials desired for your collage artwork.


Write the word "Dad" in large letters on a sheet of construction paper. Then, add glue along the letters to add pom-poms and other decorative materials.


Arrange pom-poms and any other decorating materials desired and begin to place them along the letters, onto the glue where they will stick.


Allow time for the glue and decorating materials to dry before proceeding.


Once the decorations are dry, take a pencil and write a message to dad. Some ideas include "I love you!" or "You're the best!"

This is a great opportunity for children to socialize and learn about one another's family. If any children are estranged from their fathers or do not have fathers, you may ask about any other male family members or role models that they have and gear this activity toward them.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Provide children with a variety of decorative materials so that each child's work is unique and personal. Encourage creative use of colors and textures.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

This activity can easily be modified for Mother's Day, or to have children create a collage artwork with their own name.

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