Tissue Foil Shine
30-45 Minutes: 4 and up: Learning - Self ExpressionTissue Foil Shine
Create collage artworks with a little added shimmer! This unique activity has children creating artwork on a unique canvas: aluminum foil. The result is a unique and unusual artmaking experience.
Set Up ideas
Prepare for this activity by filling several craft cups with watered down white school glue and provide tissue paper. You may also wish to provide old magazines for children to find interesting images for their collages. Old wrapping paper and tissue paper with unique designs are also great options!
Let’s Get Started
Provide children with enough aluminum foil to cover the tagboard completely, plus a little extra to fold back over the tagboard once their artwork is complete.
Children may choose to depict an actual scene or simply create abstract artwork. Whichever they choose, it might not be so clear to you as an outside observer. Ask questions and have them explain to you whether they are depicting something real or creating something abstract.
Tips and Tricks
Since the foil is flexible, another option is to wrap 3D objects with the completed artwork. Small boxes, figurines and cups are just a few possible ideas.
Using extra-wide foil is also a great way to turn this project into a mural or table covering.
Follow up Activity
Perform an art exhibition with the children’s creations! Display children’s artworks throughout the room and encourage them to discuss their artistic choices and what they think about their finished product.
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