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Love Makes a Family Paper Cutouts

20-30 Minutes: 4 and up: Pride
Celebrate Pride! Love Makes a Family Paper Cutouts

Love Makes a Family Paper Cutouts

Celebrate Pride! Love Makes a Family Paper Cutouts
An Activity for All Ages

Provide children with a few symbolic stencil shapes and let them tell the stories of who makes up their families.

Before You Begin:

You will need a heavyweight paper such as oak tag, plus construction paper in a wide array of colors, stencils, markers, crayons and either white school glue or a glue stick.

For the stencils, provide a wide array of shapes, including men, women, children, pets, etc. Children will trace, cut and arrange them to tell the stories of who makes up the family structures they have at home.

Activity Goals:

Use paper to provide a place for children to think about what makes up a family.
Ask children to explain who all the people and animals are in their artwork.
Create a classroom display around love and family.


Depending on how old the children are you may discuss how some families are different than others, but all families share one important thing in common: love.

Let's Get Started


Start by cutting people and animal shapes out of a heavy paper, such as oak tag. Be sure to provide lots of options, including men, women, children, dogs, cats—as many options as you can think of.


Have the children cut out a house shape or a big heart to use as a base.


Now, provide construction paper and allow children to trace the shapes, cut them out and glue them down as a representation of their family. Children may use markers or crayons to add details.


Allow the artworks to dry overnight, and then create a classroom display or allow children to take them home to share with their families.

Season Pride Month