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I’m a Special Flower

10-15 Minutes: 2 and up: Kindness Day
I'm A Special Flower Creative Craft Activity for Kindness Day

I'm a Special Flower

I'm A Special Flower Creative Craft Activity for Kindness Day


All flowers are different, but beautiful in their own ways—just like people! This activity will have children focus on the unique, positive qualities about themselves that they can share with each other.

Set Up Ideas

Flowers come in all colors, so allow the children to choose a color combination of their choice in creating their flowers. This will make each one even more unique!

Let’s Get Started

Forming a garden has never been this easy! All you'll need to gather is construction paper, scissors and markers or crayons.


Cut out a large circle from construction paper and have them write their name in the center.


Cut out several smaller circles from another color of construction paper.


Have the children think about what qualities they have that make them special. Have them write a word that comes to mind on each of the smaller circles.


Arrange the smaller circles like flower petals around the back of the large circle and glue them on.

As the children complete this project, discuss how the flowers represent the children. Discuss how everyone is different and how we are all good at different things. Similarly, flowers are all different and grow under different conditions, but they are all just as beautiful!


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Encourage children to think of their unique qualities, attributes that set them apart, their interests and hobbies and other activities that they like to do.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

"Plant" your flowers together on a poster board! Have the children cut out water droplets to place above their flowers and discuss what ways they can nurture their own uniqueness.

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