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Slime Monster Jars

15-30 Minutes: 4 and up: Halloween
Slime Monster Jars for Halloween

Slime Monster Jars

Slime Monster Jars for Halloween


These charming little creepies are as unique as their creators! This activity emphasizes creativity and personal expression as children choose their creatures shimmery interior and personalize them with all the materials available to them.

Set Up Ideas

Empty out your scrap parts drawer and get ready to craft! This activity is perfect for using old bits and pieces of scrap paper, buttons, craft cups and more.

Let’s Get Started

For this activity, you'll need materials to create slime, as well as a variety of collage materials to decorate your monster jars.
To create the slime mixture, you'll need Colorations® All-in-One Slime Activator, glue and Glitter Liquid Watercolor.


Create slime by combining 2 parts glue with 1 part slime activator. Stir in a few drops of Glitter Liquid Watercolor until you've achieved the desired color.


Add 1-1/4 tablespoon of contact solution and mix until the slime begins to harden.


Pour the slime into a plastic mason jar, leaving just a little space so that the slime has room to move around inside the jar. Seal the jar.


After sealing the jar, let your creativity run wild by adding self-adhesive wiggly eyes, paint bowls and other collage materials to your little creepies.

Creating slime opens the door to discussing sensory observations. Allow the children, if they choose, to mix the materials at the end with their hands and discuss how it feels.
Each child's creature will be unique, so discuss the decision-making and components that they used for their creatures.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

You may wish to make a large batch of colorless slime, and then dole out an amount for each child to add color of their choosing. On the other hand, making individual batches lets the children practice measuring.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Celebrate Halloween with a monster mash! Use your newly created monsters in a play, vote on children's favorites or have children name and tell stories about their creatures.

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