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Rainbow of Kindness Mobile

10-15 Minutes: 2 and up: Kindness Day
Rainbow of Kindness Mobile Creative Craft Activity for Kindness Day

Rainbow of Kindness Mobile

Rainbow of Kindness Mobile Creative Craft Activity for Kindness Day


Kindness comes in many forms—you could even say there's a whole rainbow of ways to show kindness! In this activity, children will discuss ways to show kindness with one another and then create raindrops that will encourage them to shower each other with kindness!

Set Up Ideas

There's no wrong way to make your rainbow! Experiment with different materials, but encourage group participation so that everyone has their own place in the rainbow.

Let’s Get Started

Create a simple rainbow by drawing on construction paper or make it more elaborate using paint glue and craft fluffs to create clouds! You'll also need yarn and markers, and perhaps a hole punch.


Have the children work together to create a large rainbow made of construction paper. Hang the rainbow from the ceiling or onto a board.


Discuss ways that that we can be kind to others. You may help prompt conversation by discussing nice things we can do for our mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, teachers and even strangers who need help.


For each kindness suggestions, have the child choose their color of raindrop and write their suggestion down.


Use a hole punch and yarn to hang each kindness suggestion raindrop onto the bottoms of the rainbow.

Much like flowers need water to grow, acts of kindness help us to grow together and be happy! When the children are thinking of acts of kindness, you may ask them to think of ways that people have been kind to them. Ask them how it felt!


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Scale this activity with the children's age by having them create their own raindrops and add them to the rainbow. Encourage children to be kind to one another as they create their rainbow together.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Follow this activity up with our I'm a Special Flower activity and place the flowers below the rainbow. This will help demonstrate how kindness can nurture our special, positive qualities!

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