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Frankenstein Faces

10-15 Minutes: 2 and up: Halloween
Frankenstein's Mask Craft for Halloween

Frankenstein Faces

Frankenstein's Mask Craft for Halloween


It's alive! This activity will have children creating their own versions of Frankenstein's monster. Great for developing early motor skills and for Halloween-themed dramatic play.

Set Up Ideas

Provide additional collage materials for more unique creations. You may challenge children to try different materials such as felt and yarn to create the creature's features.

Let’s Get Started

This simple activity only requires a few materials. You'll need to gather paper plates, fluorescent green BioColor®, black construction paper, glue and a black marker. You'll also want to gather paint brushes and craft cups for your paint.


Paint a paper plate completely with fluorescent green BioColor®. Set aside to dry.


While your paper plate is drying, cut hair and bolt shapes from black construction paper.


Glue the hair and bolts onto the paper plate and create a face and facial features using black marker.


Glue a craft stick to the back of the paper plate. Allow to dry fully, then grip the craft stick to use your creepy face as a mask.

Frankenstein's Monster didn't ask to look the way he did, it's just how he was made. Inside he was a gentle person with a lot of love, but people were afraid of his appearance. This is a classic story to teach children about not judging by appearances.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

This activity is great for young children as it involves very simple painting, cutting and gluing—great for building those early motor skills.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

For more variety, create masks including a ghost, witch, wolf-man, alien and more! Set up a stage and put on your own Halloween production.

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