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Coffee Filter Windsock

4 and up: Two Sessions

Coffee Filter Windsock



A windsock is not only a fun and flowy decoration—it's also a great way to introduce concepts like wind velocity and direction! These vibrant windsocks made with Liquid Watercolor and Texas snowflakes look stunning and may be used for active play.

Set Up Ideas

Color is the name of the game with this activity! Arrange your Liquid Watercolor™, crepe paper and yarn in interesting ways to demonstrate how colors interact and encourage color exploration.

Let’s Get Started

You may wish to prepare by filling bingo bottles with Liquid Watercolor ahead of time. When working with younger children, you may also wish to cut the pieces of yarn or streamers beforehand, or while children are coloring their Texas Snowflakes.


Fold a Texas snowflake in half four times so that you have a small cone shape. Using bingo bottles, color the Texas snowflake with Liquid Watercolor™. Then, open and let dry.


Lightly draw or imagine a square shape inside the circle with each corner touching an edge. Fold the edges of the circle in to create this square, then create a cylinder by gluing or stapling the edges.


Punch three equidistant holes at the top of the cylinder. String a long strand of yarn through each hole, then gather and tie all the yarn strands together.


Cut several crepe paper streamers at roughly the same length, and then glue or staple them to the bottom of the cylinder. Now your windsock is ready to hang and blow in the wind!

Windsocks can be used for more than just colorful decorations. You can regularly find them at airports to show easily see the direction and speed of the wind. Some highways have them as well. Ask children if they've seen any and encourage them to keep an eye out for them.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

When coloring the folded Texas snowflake with Liquid Watercolor, encourage children to be creative in their designs. Try adding stripes, swirls, dots and more. When unfolded, the results will be interesting and exciting for each child!

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

What better way to enjoy a windsock than to take it out in the wind! Ensure that children's windsocks are durably assembled and take their completed crafts outside to flow in the wind.

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