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Insta-Snow® Winter Slime

15-30 Minutes: 4 and up: Winter
Insta-Snow® Winter Slime Creative Craft Activity for Winter

Insta-Snow® Winter Slime

Insta-Snow® Winter Slime Creative Craft Activity for Winter


In this activity, snow gets slimy! The mesmerizing slime concoction you'll make provides a unique sensory experience and is a delight to squeeze and squish. A terrific way to build fine motor skills, enjoy sensory stimulation and create a winter-themed project.

Set Up Ideas

Prepare for this activity by having several colors of Liquid Watercolor available for children to alter the color of their snow. A variety of glitter flakes and snowflakes will also produce more variety!

Let’s Get Started

To make this slimy snow, you'll need to gather washable glue, slime activator, glitter flakes and Liquid Watercolor for an added touch of color. You will need a container as well. Large tubs or bowls are great for shared slime, and smaller trays or bowls are great for each child to make their own.


Combine and mix school glue and slime activator according to the slime activator directions.


Add a little paint to add some color to your snow slime and continue mixing.


Add glittery snowflakes and continue mixing until you are satisfied with the consistency of your snow slime.


Enjoy playing with your sensory snow slime by squeezing, dripping and experimenting with using modeling materials.

With any sensory activity, it's always a good idea to discuss the sensations that they feel. Some children enjoy sticky materials while others prefer the sensation of slick liquid materials. Ask them about their preferences and how they feel as they manipulate the materials.


Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Experiment with adding different amounts of glue and paint to your slime. Slight changes during the mixing process will produce different results—a great opportunity to discuss cause and effect.

Follow up Activity

Follow up Activity

Create a separate batch of slime using more or less glue than the previous batch. Observe how the slime is different, and how different amounts in the mixing process will produce different results.

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